Panorama Hills School

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Canadian Soccer Federation

A big thank you to the Canadian Soccer Federation F7 team for joining us the past few days in Phys Ed. The F7 competes internationally in 7 a side soccer tournaments and was able to send their coach and 9 players to show our students all about the lovely game. 

Students participated in drills with the team, learned about the game and played against the players in a mini-game. 

To learn more about the F7 team, click on the link below

Rocks and Rings Curling

We were excited to welcome the Rocks and Rings Curling program into our school last week. Students learned how the game of curling is played, how it is scored and got a chance to try out some curling equipment. 

Can your child tell you what the curling rings are called? 
(Hint: you live in one)

What is the middle of the house called? 
(Hint: you use them to close your shirt)

For more information on their program, click on the link below 

Terry Fox Update

Way to go PHS!

We raised a grand total of $4, 101. 49 during our Terry Fox fundraiser. This money will go a long way in helping fund cancer research. 

Students participated in the Terry Fox School Run Day on Wed Sept. 30th. Thank you to all the families that came out to join our run. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Start Up in September

For the month of Sept. we have been working hard in Phys Ed across all grades from Kindergarten to grade 3.

Students in grades 1-3 have learned their den colours for the year as well as being able to "show me three" for every Phys Ed class they attend. When showing 3 students are: 1. sitting criss-cross 2. in a straight line 3. ready to listen. These 3 important characteristics allow us to begin our Phys Ed classes quickly and spend the most amount of time in our activity.

Our main activity for the month has been developing age-appropriate soccer skills for grades 1-3 students. We have worked on passing, dribbling and shooting the ball with control and accuracy. We have been using our non-kicking foot to aim by pointing our toes at our target and discussing which parts of our foot are the best to maintain control of the ball. During our discussions, we have focused on why kicking with our toes is not an appropriate skill in soccer: the curved shape of our toes means we lose control of the ball and our toes are likely to get hurt as they are not some of the tiniest parts of our body.

Students have enjoyed the opportunity to play small games against their peers, putting their new skills to use and even getting to play as the goal keeper for a game each. We will carry on with building physical literacy in throwing and catching as well as through the introduction of We Move Wednesdays. Students will be wearing pedometers to measure their movement during Phys Ed on Wednesdays while participating in activities focused around balance, coordination and critical thinking.

In Kindergarten Phys Ed, we have been building our ability to work cooperatively with our peers and being safe when engaging in large group activities. Students are mastering the ability to take turns, work with their peers during different activities and make safe choices in the gym. We are beginning to work on developing the physical literacy of our youngest students through throwing, jumping and balance activities.

Stay tuned for more info on Phys Ed at PHS!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Memories Last Forever

Order your 2014-2015 PHS Yearbook online today!
Login to your CBE account through the link on the Panorama Hills School website. 

Deadline for ordering is May 29.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Student-Led Conference in the Gym

Hello parents!

Ms. Atwal and myself would like to welcome you and your kids into the gym Thursday evening or Friday either before or after your student-led conference. We will have some equipment set up for your child to show you what they are learning in Physical Education. Please take no more than 10 Minutes in the gym as it is drop in only. Thank-you.

We look forward to seeing you!

Mrs. Walker & Ms. Atwal