Panorama Hills School

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Canadian Soccer Federation

A big thank you to the Canadian Soccer Federation F7 team for joining us the past few days in Phys Ed. The F7 competes internationally in 7 a side soccer tournaments and was able to send their coach and 9 players to show our students all about the lovely game. 

Students participated in drills with the team, learned about the game and played against the players in a mini-game. 

To learn more about the F7 team, click on the link below

Rocks and Rings Curling

We were excited to welcome the Rocks and Rings Curling program into our school last week. Students learned how the game of curling is played, how it is scored and got a chance to try out some curling equipment. 

Can your child tell you what the curling rings are called? 
(Hint: you live in one)

What is the middle of the house called? 
(Hint: you use them to close your shirt)

For more information on their program, click on the link below 

Terry Fox Update

Way to go PHS!

We raised a grand total of $4, 101. 49 during our Terry Fox fundraiser. This money will go a long way in helping fund cancer research. 

Students participated in the Terry Fox School Run Day on Wed Sept. 30th. Thank you to all the families that came out to join our run.