Panorama Hills School

Thursday, September 12, 2013

FitKIDS is back at PHS!

FitKIDS is back at Panorama HIlls School!

Let's face it, after a good workout, a walk at lunch or playing outside after work with our children we often feel refreshed, more focused and ready to take on the next project. This isn't only a feeling an adult gets. Many children can benefit from some extra activity to stay focused in their classrooms, have better social interactions and build their self-esteme.

FitKIDS is inspired by SPARK, Ignite! and CrossFit Kids, three world renowned programs that seen benefits of physical activity before, or coupled with, learning. At PHS our FitKIDS programs will be taking concepts of each and putting them together into a brief 20-30 minute lesson to help set up our students for success.

The general thought is that some students could benefit from some extra activity prior to learning. Now when we say learning we are not discounting the tremendous amounts of learning that occur in Physical Education classes, but rather, the day-to-day learning that occurs in a student's regular classroom.

Stay tuned as we share the excitement of FitKIDS with our PHS community.

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